Tooltip Styles
This example shows how to specify style for Tooltips using CssClass properties.
The Tooltips style can be changed by setting CssClass property with CSS like following:
.green-white-tooltip { background-color: green; color: white; } .red-yellow-tooltip { background-color: red; color: yellow; } .gradient-tooltip { background-color: greenyellow; background-image: radial-gradient(circle at top right, yellow, #f06d06 50%); color: black; } .text-style-tooltip { background-color: lightyellow; color: black; font-style: oblique; text-shadow: 2px 2px 5px green; } .strong-round-tooltip { background-color: palegreen; color: black; border-radius: 20%; }
using System; using MvcExplorer.Models; using System.Collections.Generic; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; namespace MvcExplorer.Controllers { public partial class FlexChartController : Controller { public ActionResult Tooltips() { ViewBag.DemoSettingsModel = new ClientSettingsModel { Settings = new Dictionary<string, object[]> { {"Style", new object[]{ "green-white-tooltip", "red-yellow-tooltip", "gradient-tooltip", "text-style-tooltip", "strong-round-tooltip", "default-tooltip" } } } }; return View(Fruit.GetFruitsSales()); } } }
@model IEnumerable<Fruit> @{ ViewBag.DemoSettings = true; var palete = new List<string>() { "Orange", "LightGreen" }; } @section Scripts{ <script> var chart; c1.documentReady(function () { chart = wijmo.Control.getControl('#chartDemo'); }); function customChangeStyle(control, value) { chart.tooltip.cssClass = value; } </script> } <style> .green-white-tooltip { background-color: green; color: white; } .red-yellow-tooltip { background-color: red; color: yellow; } .gradient-tooltip { background-color: greenyellow; background-image: radial-gradient(circle at top right, yellow, #f06d06 50%); color: black; } .text-style-tooltip { background-color: lightyellow; color: black; font-style: oblique; text-shadow: 2px 2px 5px green; } .strong-round-tooltip { background-color: palegreen; color: black; border-radius: 20%; } </style> <c1-flex-chart id="chartDemo" binding-x="Name" chart-type="Bar" legend-position="None" palette="@palete"> <c1-flex-chart-datalabel content="{y}" /> <c1-items-source source-collection="Model" /> <c1-flex-chart-series name="March" binding="MarPrice"></c1-flex-chart-series> <c1-flex-chart-series name="April" binding="AprPrice"></c1-flex-chart-series> <c1-flex-chart-tooltip class="green-white-tooltip"></c1-flex-chart-tooltip> </c1-flex-chart> @section Summary{ @Html.Raw(FlexChartRes.Tooltips_Text0) } @section Description{ <p>@Html.Raw(FlexChartRes.Tooltips_Text1)</p> <pre> .green-white-tooltip { background-color: green; color: white; } .red-yellow-tooltip { background-color: red; color: yellow; } .gradient-tooltip { background-color: greenyellow; background-image: radial-gradient(circle at top right, yellow, #f06d06 50%); color: black; } .text-style-tooltip { background-color: lightyellow; color: black; font-style: oblique; text-shadow: 2px 2px 5px green; } .strong-round-tooltip { background-color: palegreen; color: black; border-radius: 20%; } </pre> }