Table Of Contents
This sample creates a document with a table of contents. It keeps a list of bookmarks added to the document as it is created. When the document is complete, the sample uses the list to create a table of contents page with local links to each topic. Finally, the table of contents is moved to the start of the document using the Pages collection. This demo requires Adobe Reader to view the PDF.
using System.Globalization; using C1.C1Pdf; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Drawing2D; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Web.Mvc; namespace MvcExplorer.Controllers.PDF { public partial class PDFController : Controller { // // GET: /TableOfContents/ public ActionResult TableOfContents() { return View(); } private readonly Random _rnd = new Random(); public ActionResult CreateTableOfContentsPdf() { try { InitialTableOfContentsPdfDocument(); var stream = new MemoryStream(); _c1Pdf.Save(stream); stream.Position = 0; return File(stream, "application/pdf"); } catch (Exception ex) { return Content(ex.Message); } } public void InitialTableOfContentsPdfDocument() { _c1Pdf = new C1PdfDocument(); // initialize pdf generator _c1Pdf.Clear(); _c1Pdf.DocumentInfo.Title = "Pdf Document With Table of Contents"; _tempDir = Server.MapPath("../Temp"); if (Directory.Exists(_tempDir)) { } else { Directory.CreateDirectory(_tempDir); } // add title Font titleFont = new Font("Tahoma", 24, FontStyle.Bold); RectangleF rcPage = GetPageRect(); RectangleF rc = RenderParagraph(_c1Pdf.DocumentInfo.Title, titleFont, rcPage, rcPage); rc.Y += 12; // create nonsense document ArrayList bkmk = new ArrayList(); Font headerFont = new Font("Tahoma", 16, FontStyle.Bold); Font bodyFont = new Font("Tahoma", 10); for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) { // create ith header (as a link target and outline entry) string header = string.Format("{0}. {1}", i + 1, BuildRandomTitle()); rc = RenderParagraph(header, headerFont, rcPage, rc, true, true); // save bookmark to build TOC later int pageNumber = _c1Pdf.CurrentPage + 1; bkmk.Add(new [] { pageNumber.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), header }); // create some text rc.X += 36; rc.Width -= 36; for (int j = 0; j < 3 + _rnd.Next(10); j++) { string text = BuildRandomParagraph(); rc = RenderParagraph(text, bodyFont, rcPage, rc); rc.Y += 6; } rc.X -= 36; rc.Width += 36; rc.Y += 20; } // number pages (before adding TOC) AddFooters(); // start Table of Contents _c1Pdf.NewPage(); // start TOC on a new page int tocPage = _c1Pdf.CurrentPage; // save page index (to move TOC later) rc = RenderParagraph("Table of Contents", titleFont, rcPage, rcPage, true); rc.Y += 12; rc.X += 30; rc.Width -= 40; // render Table of Contents Pen dottedPen = new Pen(Brushes.Gray, 1.5f); dottedPen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dot; StringFormat sfRight = new StringFormat(); sfRight.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far; rc.Height = bodyFont.Height; foreach (string[] entry in bkmk) { // get bookmark info string page = entry[0]; string header = entry[1]; // render header name and page number _c1Pdf.DrawString(header, bodyFont, Brushes.Black, rc); _c1Pdf.DrawString(page, bodyFont, Brushes.Black, rc, sfRight); // connect the two with some dots (looks better than a dotted line) string dots = ". "; float wid = _c1Pdf.MeasureString(dots, bodyFont).Width; float x1 = rc.X + _c1Pdf.MeasureString(header, bodyFont).Width + 8; float x2 = rc.Right - _c1Pdf.MeasureString(page, bodyFont).Width - 8; float x = rc.X; for (rc.X = x1; rc.X < x2; rc.X += wid) _c1Pdf.DrawString(dots, bodyFont, Brushes.Gray, rc); rc.X = x; // add local hyperlink to entry _c1Pdf.AddLink("#" + header, rc); // move on to next entry rc.Offset(0, rc.Height); if (rc.Bottom > rcPage.Bottom) { _c1Pdf.NewPage(); rc.Y = rcPage.Y; } } // move table of contents to start of document PdfPage[] arr = new PdfPage[_c1Pdf.Pages.Count - tocPage]; _c1Pdf.Pages.CopyTo(tocPage, arr, 0, arr.Length); _c1Pdf.Pages.RemoveRange(tocPage, arr.Length); _c1Pdf.Pages.InsertRange(0, arr); } private string BuildRandomTitle() { string[] a1 = "Learning|Explaining|Mastering|Forgetting|Examining|Understanding|Applying|Using|Destroying".Split('|'); string[] a2 = "Music|Tennis|Golf|Zen|Diving|Modern Art|Gardening|Architecture|Mathematics|Investments|.NET|Java".Split('|'); string[] a3 = "Quickly|Painlessly|The Hard Way|Slowly|Painfully|With Panache".Split('|'); return string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", a1[_rnd.Next(a1.Length - 1)], a2[_rnd.Next(a2.Length - 1)], a3[_rnd.Next(a3.Length - 1)]); } private string BuildRandomParagraph() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < 5 + _rnd.Next(10); i++) sb.AppendFormat(BuildRandomSentence()); return sb.ToString(); } private string BuildRandomSentence() { string[] a1 = "Artists|Movie stars|Musicians|Politicians|Computer programmers|Modern thinkers|Gardeners|Experts|Some people|Hockey players".Split('|'); string[] a2 = "know|seem to think about|care about|often discuss|dream about|hate|love|despise|respect|long for|pay attention to|embrace".Split('|'); string[] a3 = "the movies|chicken soup|tea|many things|sushi|my car|deep thoughts|tasteless jokes|vaporware|cell phones|hot dogs|ballgames".Split('|'); string[] a4 = "incessantly|too much|easily|without reason|rapidly|sadly|randomly|vigorously|more than usual|with enthusiasm|shamelessly|on Tuesdays".Split('|'); return string.Format("{0} {1} {2} {3}. ", a1[_rnd.Next(a1.Length - 1)], a2[_rnd.Next(a2.Length - 1)], a3[_rnd.Next(a3.Length - 1)], a4[_rnd.Next(a4.Length - 1)]); } // get the current page rectangle (depends on paper size) // and apply a 1" margin all around it. private RectangleF GetPageRect() { RectangleF rcPage = _c1Pdf.PageRectangle; rcPage.Inflate(-72, -72); return rcPage; } private RectangleF RenderParagraph(string text, Font font, RectangleF rcPage, RectangleF rc, bool outline = false, bool linkTarget = false) { // if it won't fit this page, do a page break rc.Height = _c1Pdf.MeasureString(text, font, rc.Width).Height; if (rc.Bottom > rcPage.Bottom) { _c1Pdf.NewPage(); rc.Y = rcPage.Top; } // draw the string _c1Pdf.DrawString(text, font, Brushes.Black, rc); // add headings to outline if (outline) { _c1Pdf.DrawLine(Pens.Black, rc.X, rc.Y, rc.Right, rc.Y); _c1Pdf.AddBookmark(text, 0, rc.Y); } // add link target if (linkTarget) { _c1Pdf.AddTarget(text, rc); } // update rectangle for next time rc.Offset(0, rc.Height); return rc; } //================================================================================ // add page footers to a document // // this method is called by all samples in this project. it scans the document // and adds a 'page n of m' footer to each page. the footers are rendered as // vertical text along the right edge of the document. // // adding content to an existing page is easy: just set the CurrentPage property // to point to an existing page and write into it as usual. // private void AddFooters() { Font fontHorz = new Font("Tahoma", 7, FontStyle.Bold); Font fontVert = new Font("Viner Hand ITC", 14, FontStyle.Bold); StringFormat sfRight = new StringFormat(); sfRight.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far; StringFormat sfVert = new StringFormat(); sfVert.FormatFlags |= StringFormatFlags.DirectionVertical; sfVert.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center; for (int page = 0; page < _c1Pdf.Pages.Count; page++) { // select page we want (could change PageSize) _c1Pdf.CurrentPage = page; // build rectangles for rendering text RectangleF rcPage = GetPageRect(); RectangleF rcFooter = rcPage; rcFooter.Y = rcFooter.Bottom + 6; rcFooter.Height = 12; RectangleF rcVert = rcPage; rcVert.X = rcPage.Right + 6; // add left-aligned footer string text = _c1Pdf.DocumentInfo.Title; _c1Pdf.DrawString(text, fontHorz, Brushes.Gray, rcFooter); // add right-aligned footer text = string.Format("Page {0} of {1}", page + 1, _c1Pdf.Pages.Count); _c1Pdf.DrawString(text, fontHorz, Brushes.Gray, rcFooter, sfRight); // add vertical text text = _c1Pdf.DocumentInfo.Title + " (document created using the C1Pdf .NET component)"; _c1Pdf.DrawString(text, fontVert, Brushes.LightGray, rcVert, sfVert); // draw lines on bottom and right of the page _c1Pdf.DrawLine(Pens.Gray, rcPage.Left, rcPage.Bottom, rcPage.Right, rcPage.Bottom); _c1Pdf.DrawLine(Pens.Gray, rcPage.Right, rcPage.Top, rcPage.Right, rcPage.Bottom); } } } }
@Html.ActionLink(Resources.PDF.TableOfContents_CreatePDF, "CreateTableOfContentsPdf", null, new {target = "_blank"}) @section Description{ <p>@Html.Raw(Resources.PDF.TableOfContents_Text0)</p> }