Create Adobe PDF documents from your apps using ComponentOne PDF for .NET. The benefit of creating PDFs from your .NET apps is that you can essentially create databound PDF documents. This sample creates a Pdf file with NorthWind product information. Each product category is placed on a separate page and added to an outline structure with bookmarks.
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web.Mvc; using C1.C1Pdf; using System.Drawing; using MvcExplorer.Models; using System.IO; namespace MvcExplorer.Controllers.PDF { public partial class PDFController : Controller { // // GET: /Index/ public ActionResult Index() { return View(); } private readonly C1NWindEntities _dataBase = new C1NWindEntities(); private C1PdfDocument _c1Pdf; public ActionResult CreatePdf() { try { InitialPdfDocument(); var stream = new MemoryStream(); _c1Pdf.Save(stream); stream.Position = 0; return File(stream, "application/pdf"); } catch (Exception ex) { return Content(ex.Message); } } private readonly Font _fontBody = new Font("Tahoma", 10); private readonly Font _fontTitle = new Font("Tahoma", 15, FontStyle.Bold); private readonly Font _fontHeader = new Font("Tahoma", 11, FontStyle.Bold); private StringFormat _sfRight; private StringFormat _sfRightCenter; private static string _tempDir; public void InitialPdfDocument() { _c1Pdf = new C1PdfDocument(); //create StringFormat for right-aligned fields _sfRight = new StringFormat(); _sfRight.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far; _sfRightCenter = new StringFormat(); _sfRightCenter.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far; _sfRightCenter.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center; //initialize pdf generator _c1Pdf.Clear(); //get page rectangle, discount margins RectangleF rcPage = _c1Pdf.PageRectangle; rcPage.Inflate(-72, -92); //loop through selected categories int page = 0; //DataTable dt = GetCategories(); List<Category> categories = _dataBase.Categories.ToList(); foreach (Category category in categories) { //add page break, update page counter if (page > 0) _c1Pdf.NewPage(); page++; //get current category name string catName = category.CategoryName; //add title to page _c1Pdf.DrawString(catName, _fontTitle, Brushes.Blue, rcPage); //add outline entry _c1Pdf.AddBookmark(catName, 0, 0); //build row template RectangleF[] rcRows = new RectangleF[6]; for (int i = 0; i < rcRows.Length; i++) { rcRows[i] = RectangleF.Empty; rcRows[i].Location = new PointF(rcPage.X, rcPage.Y + _fontHeader.SizeInPoints + 10); rcRows[i].Size = new SizeF(0, _fontBody.SizeInPoints + 3); } rcRows[0].Width = 110; // Product Name rcRows[1].Width = 60; // Unit Price rcRows[2].Width = 80; // Qty/Unit rcRows[3].Width = 60; // Stock Units rcRows[4].Width = 60; // Stock Value rcRows[5].Width = 60; // Reorder for (int i = 1; i < rcRows.Length; i++) rcRows[i].X = rcRows[i - 1].X + rcRows[i - 1].Width + 8; //add column headers _c1Pdf.FillRectangle(Brushes.DarkGray, RectangleF.Union(rcRows[0], rcRows[5])); _c1Pdf.DrawString("Product Name", _fontHeader, Brushes.White, rcRows[0]); _c1Pdf.DrawString("Unit Price", _fontHeader, Brushes.White, rcRows[1], _sfRight); _c1Pdf.DrawString("Qty/Unit", _fontHeader, Brushes.White, rcRows[2]); _c1Pdf.DrawString("Stock Units", _fontHeader, Brushes.White, rcRows[3], _sfRight); _c1Pdf.DrawString("Stock Value", _fontHeader, Brushes.White, rcRows[4], _sfRight); _c1Pdf.DrawString("Reorder", _fontHeader, Brushes.White, rcRows[5]); //loop through products in this category List<Product> products = _dataBase.Products.Where(pro => pro.CategoryID == category.CategoryID).ToList(); foreach (Product product in products) { //move on to next row for (int i = 0; i < rcRows.Length; i++) rcRows[i].Y += rcRows[i].Height; //add row with some data try { _c1Pdf.DrawString(product.ProductName, _fontBody, Brushes.Black, rcRows[0]); _c1Pdf.DrawString(string.Format("{0:c}", product.UnitPrice), _fontBody, Brushes.Black, rcRows[1], _sfRight); _c1Pdf.DrawString(string.Format("{0}", product.QuantityPerUnit), _fontBody, Brushes.Black, rcRows[2]); _c1Pdf.DrawString(string.Format("{0}", product.UnitsInStock), _fontBody, Brushes.Black, rcRows[3], _sfRight); _c1Pdf.DrawString(string.Format("{0:c}", product.UnitPrice * product.UnitsInStock), _fontBody, Brushes.Black, rcRows[4], _sfRight); if (product.UnitsInStock <= product.ReorderLevel) _c1Pdf.DrawString("<<<", _fontBody, Brushes.Red, rcRows[5]); } catch { // Debug.Assert(false); } } if (products.Count == 0) { rcRows[0].Y += rcRows[0].Height; _c1Pdf.DrawString("No products in this category.", _fontBody, Brushes.Black, RectangleF.Union(rcRows[0], rcRows[5])); } } //add page headers AddPageHeaders(rcPage); } private void AddPageHeaders(RectangleF rcPage) { RectangleF rcHdr = rcPage; rcHdr.Y = 10; rcHdr.Height = rcPage.Top - 10; for (int page = 0; page < _c1Pdf.Pages.Count; page++) { //reopen each page _c1Pdf.CurrentPage = page; //draw letterhead string s = string.Format("Page {0} of {1}", page + 1, _c1Pdf.Pages.Count); _c1Pdf.DrawString(s, _fontBody, Brushes.LightGray, rcHdr, _sfRightCenter); rcHdr.Inflate(0, -30); _c1Pdf.DrawRectangle(Pens.LightGray, rcHdr); rcHdr.Inflate(0, +30); } } } }
@Html.ActionLink(Resources.PDF.Index_CreatePDF, "CreatePdf", null, new {target = "_blank"}) @section Description{ <p>@Html.Raw(Resources.PDF.Index_Text0)</p> }