Collection View Navigator
The CollectionViewNavigator is used for navigating records of data in CollectionView.
This demo uses two CollectionViewNavigator controls, the first for navigating by item, the second for navigating by page. It uses following properties:
The ItemSourceId refers the Id of CollectionViewService or Control that binds to data for navigating.
The ByPage property for determining navigating by item or by page.
The RepeatButtons property for enabling whether the next/previous buttons fires repeatedly or not while remaining pressed.
The HeaderFormat property for formatting the string used to display the current total item/page values in the control header.
This demo uses two CollectionViewNavigator controls, the first for navigating by item, the second for navigating by page. It uses following properties:
The ItemSourceId refers the Id of CollectionViewService or Control that binds to data for navigating.
The ByPage property for determining navigating by item or by page.
The RepeatButtons property for enabling whether the next/previous buttons fires repeatedly or not while remaining pressed.
The HeaderFormat property for formatting the string used to display the current total item/page values in the control header.
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using C1.Web.Mvc; using C1.Web.Mvc.Serialization; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives; using MvcExplorer.Models; namespace MvcExplorer.Controllers.CollectionView { public partial class CollectionViewController : Controller { private readonly ControlOptions _collectionViewoptions = new ControlOptions { Options = new OptionDictionary { //{"By Bapge", new OptionItem {Values = new List<string> {"True", "False"}, CurrentValue = "False"}}, {"Repeat Buttons", new OptionItem {Values = new List<string> {"True", "False"}, CurrentValue = "True"}}, //{"HeaderFormat",new OptionItem{Values = new List<string> {"None", "Item: {current:n0} / {count:n0}", "Page: {currentPage} / {pageCount}"},CurrentValue = "None"}}, {"Css Class", new OptionItem {Values = new List<string> {"None", "Red" , "Blue" , "Green"}, CurrentValue = "None"}}, } }; public ActionResult CollectionViewNavigator(IFormCollection collection) { _collectionViewoptions.LoadPostData(collection); ViewBag.DemoOptions = _collectionViewoptions; return View(); } public ActionResult CollectionViewNavigator_Bind([C1JsonRequest] CollectionViewRequest<Sale> requestData) { var extraData = requestData.ExtraRequestData .ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => new StringValues(kvp.Value.ToString())); var data = new FormCollection(extraData); _collectionViewoptions.LoadPostData(data); var model = Sale.GetData(500); return this.C1Json(CollectionViewHelper.Read(requestData, model)); } } }
@using C1.Web.Mvc.Grid @model IEnumerable<Sale> @{ ControlOptions optionsModel = ViewBag.DemoOptions; ViewBag.DemoSettings = true; } <style type="text/css"> .Red { color: red !important; } .Blue { color: blue !important; } .Green { color: green !important; } .None { color: none; } .wj-collectionview-navigator .wj-btn .wj-glyph-right, .wj-collectionview-navigator .wj-btn .wj-glyph-left, .wj-collectionview-navigator .wj-btn .wj-glyph-step-forward, .wj-collectionview-navigator .wj-btn .wj-glyph-step-backward { pointer-events: none; } </style> @section Scripts{ <script> c1.documentReady(function () { function getCSS(el) { if (el.currentStyle) return el.currentStyle; else if (window.getComputedStyle) return document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el, null); else return {}; } function setCSS(el, css, rxFilter) { for (var key in css) { if (!rxFilter || rxFilter.test(key))[key] = css[key]; } } function measureWidthPx(input) { var el = document.createElement('div'); setCSS(el, getCSS(input), /padding|border|padding|font|zoom/); = 'absolute'; = "left"; = 'hidden'; = 'nowrap'; = "auto"; = "auto"; el.textContent = input.value; el = document.body.appendChild(el); var w = el.offsetWidth + 20; el.parentNode.removeChild(el); return w + "px"; } function updateCvnWidth(headerElem) { setTimeout(function () { if (headerElem.value != headerElem._value) { = measureWidthPx(headerElem); headerElem._value = headerElem.value; } else updateCvnWidth(headerElem); }, 10) } var cvnIds = ['#CVNavigatorToCV', '#CVNavigatorToGridCV']; cvnIds.forEach(function (cvnId) { var cvn = wijmo.Control.getControl(cvnId); var headerElem = cvn._txtCurr; updateCvnWidth(headerElem); (s, e) { updateCvnWidth(headerElem) }); (s, e) { updateCvnWidth(headerElem) }); }) }); </script> } <c1-items-source id="CVService" initial-items-count="500" read-action-url="@Url.Action("Index_Bind")" page-size="16"></c1-items-source> <c1-collection-view-navigator id="CVNavigatorToCV" items-source-id="CVService" by-page="false" header-format="Item: {current:n0} / {count:n0} - Page {currentPage}" repeat-buttons="@Convert.ToBoolean(optionsModel.Options["Repeat Buttons"].CurrentValue)" class="@optionsModel.Options["Css Class"].CurrentValue" style="background-color:lightgray"> </c1-collection-view-navigator> <c1-flex-grid id="FlexGridCVN" items-source-id="CVService" auto-generate-columns="false" sorting-type="SingleColumn" class="grid" is-read-only="true" selection-mode="@SelectionMode.Row"> <c1-flex-grid-column binding="ID"></c1-flex-grid-column> <c1-flex-grid-column binding="Start" format="MMM d yy"></c1-flex-grid-column> <c1-flex-grid-column binding="End" format="HH:mm"></c1-flex-grid-column> <c1-flex-grid-column binding="Country"></c1-flex-grid-column> <c1-flex-grid-column binding="Product"></c1-flex-grid-column> <c1-flex-grid-column binding="Color"></c1-flex-grid-column> <c1-flex-grid-column binding="Amount" format="c"></c1-flex-grid-column> <c1-flex-grid-column binding="Amount2" format="c"></c1-flex-grid-column> <c1-flex-grid-column binding="Active"></c1-flex-grid-column> </c1-flex-grid> <c1-collection-view-navigator id="CVNavigatorToGridCV" items-source-id="FlexGridCVN" by-page="true" header-format="Page: {currentPage} / {pageCount}" repeat-buttons="@Convert.ToBoolean(optionsModel.Options["Repeat Buttons"].CurrentValue)" class="@optionsModel.Options["Css Class"].CurrentValue" style="background-color:lightgray"> </c1-collection-view-navigator> @section Settings{ @await Html.PartialAsync("_OptionsMenu", optionsModel) } @section Description{ @Html.Raw(CollectionViewRes.CollectionViewNavigator_Text0) }