The InputDateRange control extends the InputDate control and configures it to allow editing date ranges.
This sample shows the basic usage of the InputDateRange control.
You may specify custom date ranges that the user can pick from, or they can use the multi-month calendar in the drop-down to select date ranges with the mouse or keyboard.
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; namespace MvcExplorer.Controllers { public partial class InputDateRangeController : Controller { public ActionResult Index() { ViewBag.DemoSettings = true; return View(); } } }
@{ var today = DateTime.Now.Date; var rangeEnd = today.AddDays(3); } @section Scripts{ <script> // Get predefined date ranges function getPredefinedRanges() { let dt = wijmo.DateTime, now = new Date(); return { // Custom 'Custom Range': null, // Days //'Today': [now, now], //'Yesterday': [dt.addDays(now, -1), dt.addDays(now, -1)], //'Tomorrow': [dt.addDays(now, +1), dt.addDays(now, +1)], // Weeks 'This Week': [dt.weekFirst(now), dt.weekLast(now)], 'Last Week': [dt.weekFirst(dt.addDays(now, -7)), dt.weekLast(dt.addDays(now, -7))], 'Next Week': [dt.weekFirst(dt.addDays(now, +7)), dt.weekLast(dt.addDays(now, +7))], // Months 'This Month': [dt.monthFirst(now), dt.monthLast(now)], 'Last Month': [dt.monthFirst(dt.addMonths(now, -1)), dt.monthLast(dt.addMonths(now, -1))], 'Next Month': [dt.monthFirst(dt.addMonths(now, +1)), dt.monthLast(dt.addMonths(now, +1))], // Years 'This Year': [dt.yearFirst(now), dt.yearLast(now)], 'Last Year': [dt.addYears(dt.yearFirst(now), -1), dt.addYears(dt.yearLast(now), -1)], 'Next Year': [dt.addYears(dt.yearFirst(now), +1), dt.addYears(dt.yearLast(now), +1)], }; } function dateRangeChanged(s) { // Show date ranges let el = document.querySelector('#showRange'); el.innerHTML = wijmo.format('@Html.Raw(InputDateRangeRes.Index_ShowRange)', s); } function monthCountChanged(sender) { let inputDateRange = wijmo.Control.getControl("#demoControl"); inputDateRange.monthCount = sender.value; } function weeksBeforeChanged(sender) { let inputDateRange = wijmo.Control.getControl("#demoControl"); inputDateRange.weeksBefore = sender.value; } function weeksAfterChanged(sender) { let inputDateRange = wijmo.Control.getControl("#demoControl"); inputDateRange.weeksAfter = sender.value; } function closeOnSelectionChanged(sender) { let inputDateRange = wijmo.Control.getControl("#demoControl"); inputDateRange.closeOnSelection = sender.checked; } </script> } <style> .settings > div { margin-bottom: 0.5em; } .settings label { width: 10em; text-align: right; margin-right: 0.5em; float: left; font-weight: normal; line-height: 2em; } .settings input { height: 1.8em; } .settings .wj-inputnumber { width: 10em; } .wj-inputdate-dropdown > .wj-listbox { max-height: initial; } </style> <p> <div id="demoControl"></div> </p> <p> <span id="showRange"></span> </p> <c1-input-date-range id="demoControl" always-show-calendar="true" close-on-selection="true" month-count="2" weeks-before="0" weeks-after="0" predefined-ranges="getPredefinedRanges" value-changed="dateRangeChanged" range-end-changed="dateRangeChanged" value="@today" range-end="@rangeEnd"> </c1-input-date-range> @section Settings{ <div class="settings"> <div> <label for="monthCount">Month Count</label> <c1-input-number id="monthCount" min="1" step="1" value="2" value-changed="monthCountChanged" width="150"> </c1-input-number> </div> <div> <label for="weeksBefore">Weeks Before</label> <c1-input-number id="weeksBefore" min="0" step="1" value="0" value-changed="weeksBeforeChanged" width="150"> </c1-input-number> </div> <div> <label for="weeksAfter">Weeks After</label> <c1-input-number id="weeksAfter" min="0" step="1" value="0" value-changed="weeksAfterChanged" width="150"> </c1-input-number> </div> <div> <label for="closeOnSelection">Close On Selection</label> <input type="checkbox" id="closeOnSelection" onchange="closeOnSelectionChanged(this)" checked /> </div> </div> } @section Summary{ <p>@Html.Raw(InputDateRangeRes.Index_Text0)</p> } @section Description{ <p>@Html.Raw(InputDateRangeRes.Index_Text1)</p> <p>@Html.Raw(InputDateRangeRes.Index_Text2)</p> }