


The FlexSheet control extends the FlexGrid control and provides an Excel-like functionality.



The FlexSheet control extends the FlexGrid control and provides an Excel-like functionality.
FlexSheet supports all the FlexGrid's features, and focuses on the key features from Excel not included in FlexGrid.

Note:FlexSheet requires the JSZip library for loading and saving xlsx file, you should add jszip.js via CDN or include the script file in the project.

FlexSheet provides following Excel-like features:

Multiple Sheets
Include multiple separated sheets in a single worksheet.
Calculation engine includes built-in formula support, complete with nearly 100 formulas and auto-completion. Our formula operations were built to align with Microsoft Excel, including operations for aggregation, mathematics, logic and text.
Cell Style
Cell-styling support includes format, font, horizontal alignment, fore color, fill color and more.
Merge Cells
User can merge any cells, in contrast with FlexGrid, which only supports content-driven cell merging.
Undo/redo mutiple operations include edit cell, insert/remove rows/columns, apply cell style, merge cells, resize rows/columns, drag and drop rows/columns and more.
Drag & Drop
Drag and drop rows/columns for moving and copying.
Select whole column
Select the whole column by clicking the column header.
Allow Auto Fill
Auto fill cells with data that follows a pattern by dragging the bottom right corner of the cell.

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;

namespace FlexSheetExplorer.Controllers
    public partial class FlexSheetController : Controller
        public ActionResult Intro()
            return View();
    <div class="copy">

        <div class="collapsed-content collapse">

            <dl class="dl-horizontal">
            <button type="button"
                    data-target=".collapsed-content, .btn.btn-default.btn-xs.collapse"
                    class="btn btn-default btn-xs collapse in">
        <c1-flex-sheet class="flexSheet" allow-auto-fill="true">
            <c1-unbound-sheet column-count="12" row-count="25"></c1-unbound-sheet>
            <c1-unbound-sheet column-count="12" row-count="25"></c1-unbound-sheet>
@section Summary{
