
Drag & Drop

Drag & Drop

FlexSheet supports dragging and dropping columns or rows into other columns or rows.


Drag & Drop

FlexSheet supports dragging and dropping columns or rows into other columns or rows. It does not only copy or move the data of the cells;
it also copies or moves the style of the cells.

When dragging and dropping without any key pressed, it moves the selected columns or rows into the dropping columns or rows.

When dragging and dropping with 'Ctrl' key pressed, it copies the selected columns or rows into the dropping columns or rows.

When dragging and dropping with 'Shift' key pressed, it changes the position of the selected columns or rows with the dropping columns or rows.

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;

namespace FlexSheetExplorer.Controllers
    public partial class FlexSheetController : Controller
        public ActionResult DragDrop()
            return View();
@section Scripts{<script type="text/javascript" src="~/Scripts/flexSheet/dragDrop.js"></script>}
    <div class="copy">

        <c1-flex-sheet id="dragDropSheet" class="flexSheet">
            <c1-unbound-sheet column-count="8" row-count="20"></c1-unbound-sheet>
@section Summary{
