
  • (if select running,please change the value)

The sample demonstrates how to change the label alignment, progress value, and direction of the C1ProgressBar control dynamically using client-side script.

The following client-side properties are used in this sample.

  • value -  for changing the progress value.
  • fillDirection - for changing the progress direction.
  • labelAlign - for changing the label alignment.

The Value property can only be set somewhere between the MinValue and the MaxValue. If the labelAlign property is set to running, then the label will run along with the progress indicator. If the fillDirection is set to east/west, then the progress bar is shown as a horizontal one; otherwise, a vertical one is shown. For a horizontal progress bar, the east option indicates the progress indicator increasing from west to east, and the west option indicates the progress indicator increasing from east to west. For a vertical progress bar, the north option indicates the progress indicator is increasing from south to north, while the south option indicates that it is filling from north to south.
